A New Year - 2017

New Beginnings

New Beginnings

Happy New Year!

The best thing about the new year, is you get to start over. Let go of what is not serving you and focus on what brings you joy!  Just do it, whatever you want to change - JUST DO IT!

Goodbye 2016 - there was many highs and some lows. I am curious as to what this year will bring personally and professionally. We started New Years Day with the annual polar plunge, which means standing at the foot of the shore watching brave friends dive into the freezing Atlantic ocean.  I am not that brave yet.  Perhaps next year...

As I stood there, I took that moment to let all the negative chatter go and focus on my hopes and dreams for the new year -  BE open to what comes my way and accept the challenge.  The goal is to make it count and have little regret, as we all know life is too short to ruminate over things you can not control. Let it go. Wishing you and yours the best year ever!

2017 Polar Plunge - Newport RI