Fall Portrait Session - Casey + Family

This sweet family has been part of my life for sometime. I met Casey and Steve before they were married after first moving to Albany, New York. It has been so wonderful to see their love grow and bring in two beautiful children in the world.


The light was perfect for our portrait session in the park. Nice even diffused lighting - a photographers dream. It also wasn’t a problem that the kids level of adorable was at 100%.

Engagement Portrait Session - Anthony + Alana

What a sweet couple to spend time with for an portrait engagement session at Central Park. The bride, an engineer is originally from Wisconsin and met her beau at work. They fell for each other and the rest is history. Congratulations on your engagement Alana and Anthony!

Fall is coming and so are my mini sessions throughout the Capital Region

I seriously can’t believe we are already in the middle of September, I blinked and summer was gone. It was a great time, but I am looking forward to getting back into a routine and gearing up for fall themed things, which include my fall mini photo sessions happening throughout the Capital Region starting in October.

I enjoyed looking back at last years session when I put this collage together. I am pumped to know that I already have a couple repeat clients on the calendar.

I am totally behind on posting work from this summer up on the blog. Hopefully this will happen sooner than later, what can I say? I love summers in the Northeast! In the meantime, check out my the fall special and book your spot today!


2017 fall sessions

2017 fall sessions

Corporate Portrait - Tim Reuter

Corporate portraits are different for each client and a lot of those shoots consist of using their environment as their backrdop, which I really enjoying doing.

So it was a good change of pace to get break out the studio lights for a traditional corporate portrait of this Senior Research Analyst at Yale University. I really like the image he chose for his Linkedin profile picture.

American Legion at The Joe

I had the opportunity to spend time with the American Legion of Albany and photograph Veterans and the staff members for marketing collateral. Hanging out and hearing their stories of how they got involved with the Legion was inspiring. Their patriotism humbled me.